Specialty Trainings

Wisdom | Pleasure | Healing
Designed with the unifying theme of healing, the Nia Moving to Heal Training provides you with the knowledge and skills to receive therapeutic benefits from the moving practice of Nia and provides a roadmap for Nia Teachers who desire to share this work in healing communities.

The art of feeling better
Founded on the art of movement and the philosophy of The Body's Way, you will learn techniques to adapt Nia therapeutically and how to successfully use Nia movement and principles to feel better.
This training will support you in developing body awareness, sensation science, a somatic understanding of anatomy and body gratitude.
The training places specific emphasis on the ethics of healing and compassionate movement while considering the needs of diverse students.

This training will set you on the path to becoming a NIA Moving to Heal Teacher. All students welcome.
Upon completion of the Moving to Heal Training, you must complete the Nia White Belt Intensive and become a Nia Teacher Member in order to teach the Nia Moving to Heal class.